Today I am making a post to tell you that something is horribly wrong with my fish.
I came in to look at him today and I noticed that a good portion of his tail was just...gone. I don't know what happened to it. And I shudder to think. His tail is just much shorter today than it was yesterday. At first I wondered if I was imagining things, but I looked at pictures and videos I've made of him in the past, especially the one from yesterday, and compared tail size. It's definitely shorter. Devastatingly shorter. Overnight.
This is a picture of him from yesterday afternoon, when I was makingmy video of homage:

And this is a picture from today:

This is the worst thing that has ever happened to him. I can't imagine it is fun to have half your tail gone. It probably hurt him. And now, though he's still swimming around, it's probably more difficult and less fun. What pains me the most is that I didn't even see this coming. I thought that he was happy and healthy. Fine one day, crippled the next.
When I first got Fred and George, I read a lot about betta diseases, among them fin rot. I used to be concerned that he might have fin rot or something similar, so I was a freak about changing the water, and I even put salt in it to kill any bacteria. When I was convinced that his fins were super healthy I stopped worrying so much, and I stopped putting the salt in the water.
This came totally out of nowhere, and I'm freaked out because I don't know what could possibly happen next. But I have already changed the water today and added salt. I'm going to change his water as often as I can, and keep putting salt in his tank. Maybe when I get back to Des Moines I'll check out some antibiotics.
I'll keep you posted.
I think it looks like fin rot too. Let me know if you want any annoying and overly complicated tips or advice!
Does fin rot happen all at once like that? I suppose if his tail was rotting, it might just fall apart one day.
I also read about bettas "blowing their tail". Could this have happened?
Is changing the water the best thing I can do? Should I do it every day?
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