Ramblings. It's because I like to write.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The only way to feel emotions...

...is to type all of your sporadic thoughts into a nifty little blog.

Here's my life story:

I am MT Nside.
I come in roughly once a week to occasionally sneeze.
I was terrified for a few moments roughly twenty minutes ago. Terrified of what?
I used the word roughly twice.
I'm a little stressed out, though I know that I'm not doing as much as I could be doing, and i absolutely NEVER (except for sometimes) do homework.
Hey, okay? I'm worried because i have an important audition coming up.
And I'm sad because I auditioned for the play and didn't make it. *Sad Day*
*Das Yad*

Huh. I thought this blog would be longer. I guess i just don't have that many thoughts any more. It make me feel stupid to see everything laid out like that...

Yay! But since you went to all the trouble to read this, I might as well make up a fun little story to make it worth your while.

I found the basement of Hoover High School. Living in it were three men: Coach Tate, Mr. Boughman, and the former drama instructor. they were living off spam and baked beans, worship-ing a giant octopus. when I called them on the octopus thing they came to their senses and decided to come out of the basement and become Hoover High School's new and improved Mock Trial Coaches/Teacher Sponsors. Now every Monday nite the Mock Trial team visits spaghetti works downtown to hear live funk music played by the Celebration Iowa JazzBand, which lives in Nebraska.

The End.