Ramblings. It's because I like to write.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

y r u?

A blog is a blog for to publish thoughts from. This is where I will publish my thoughts. I've never had very many loyal readers, oh no I have not, but the few I had have probably all left me by now. For because I type nothing. I type nothing on my blog. So I have decided that I'm going to stop waiting around for something to say and I'm just gonna say it for christsakes. I mean look at the title of this one: y r u? What does it mean? y is it 4? Me don't know. Me no like game days. What? Sorry.

Commencing the random thoughts.

I believe that my last blog was on October 26, 2007. It's still 2007. That's good. This has been shaping up to be a pretty good year for me. I mean look at this: I got into All-state honor band! I still can't believe it. That was LAST MONTH and i still can't believe it. What a cool thing to have happen to me.

I lot of stuff like that has been happening to me. cool things. granted, none of them are quite as prestigious as All-State, but it's the little things, you know? The little things.

Since I last posted, I have become addicted to facebook. Mainly I just add applications and than delete them. I don't really even talk to anybody that much. I can't quite get into talking to people on the internet. Well, I have always been kind of a social freak. From Africa.

There are several people that I have gotten closer to, and people that I don't talk to at all anymore, and then those people that I see all the time, but I wish I were closer to. Story of my life. Story of all of our lives.

Speaking of stories and lives, I have begun to write a novel. Expect an excerpt to be posted VERY SOON. I like to blog.

I'm sorry that this blog had absolutely nothing to say.


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