Saturday, July 28, 2007
Why, you may ask? Well, I'm off to RIVERSIDE, a place of fun and enjoyment, praising god and living the gospel. I'm oh so excited. i always have an amazing time at Riverside, and i'm really looking forward to the week and what God has in store for me.
See you on the other side.
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
...That's when life would become EXTREME. That's when life would fall into place. Freshmen year came, and freshmen year went. I was so busy waiting for it all to happen and I never realized that nothing happened at all.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Katie's Big Day
Do you know how much that is? And of Fudge!!! It took me like an hour because I had to sit down and take a break every once and a while...
and let it settle in my stomach...which never really happened....
I Almost Spewed!!!
Can you imagine? Five Pounds of Fudge. The world's richest food.
And it wasn't even very good fudge. didn't even taste like
Wow. I still can't believe that yesturday I ate all that fudge.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
The Very Sad Man
He was sad because he had lost his puppy and did not know how to find it.
He looked all over, high and low, but he could not find his little puppy. He asked every person who crossed his path, but none could tell him where his little puppy had gone.
Weeks went by. Months went by. Even years went by. But the sad man still had not found his puppy, and he was still sad about it.
The man could not even remember what his little puppy looked like.
One day, the man heard laughter coming from down the street. The man followed the sound, because he had been sad for a very long time, and liked the sound of laughter.
Running down the street was a delighted little boy, followed by a large, handsome Golden Retriever.
Tears came to the man's eyes as he remembered the love that he had shared with his long-lost puppy.
The boy tackled his dog playfully, and then hugged it. The man cold see the height of joy in the little boys eyes.
Just then, the dog walked up to the man, sniffed him, and wagged his tail. Suddenly, the man understood.
This was his lost puppy. It had grown into a handsome dog, and found a home with the lonely boy.
"His name is Pat," said the boy, "He's very nice--my best friend in the whole world! Would you like to pet him?"
The man looke down at the boy and remembered his years of sadness.
"No thanks," the man replied, as he turned his back and walked away, glad that his lost little puppy had found a home.
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Harry Potter and What I Want

I bought the book.
The day it was released.
And stayed up all night reading it.
But maybe that's a good thing, and I'll tell you why. At five thirty a.m. this morning, after resolving to stop reading for the night, i just could not fall asleep. I had a lot of time to do a lot of thinking about what i really want.
Many of you know that i play trumpet. A few of you know that i really struggle with the fact that i am a trumpet player. It's been pretty important to me in the past, and i haven't really been able to figure out how it fits in to my life with God. When i finally decided to stop worshiping trumpet and to put my main focus on the big guy, I seriously thought that i would stop playing trumpet. And that's when the confusing part i drop it right now? or do i wait until after highschool to call it quits? or does it just mean that my future career won't be as a musician after all? do i even bother to keep taking private lessons?
this caused me to stop's just too much. A week without playing trumpet AT's not what i'm used lips were actually starting to hurt...and my fingers kept up their jittering...yes. I have actually been known to go through trumpet withdrawal.
Last night as the sun rose and i struggled to get to sleep i realized something. God gave me the trumpet. It was more than just something to test my loyalty or trust or was a gift. a talent. something that i am supposed to give back to him. "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:17) When God gives you something, you DON'T just let it lay dormant. I decided that before i could even touch the Harry Potter book (which i am now thoroughly addicted to) today, I would have to suck it up and play that darned (insert non-churchy word here in place of darned) horn.
When I picked up me trumpet today...and held the valves...i can't even explain the feeling. It was like coming home.
Forget Harry Potter. This is where God wants me. This is what I do. This is what i want. And that will never change.
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
What I Want
I must be patient and kind. I must not envy, I must not boast. I must not be proud. I am not rude, I am not self-seeking, I am not easily angered. I will keep no record of wrongs. I do not delight in evil, but I rejoice with the truth. I must always protect, always trust, and always hope. God will help me to ALWAYS persevere. I must do all these things because I am a servant, a follower, a child, a friend of God, and God is Love. Even if I become the ultimate super-Christian, but have not Love, than I become nothing. If I desire God and let him teach me to love, than I can become the woman that god made me to be.
All my relationships should spur me on towards God. They must bring out the Love in me that is patient and kind. My relationships should not cause me to envy or boast. They will steer me away from pride and from selfish thoughts. My relationships will not be about me. They will help me to be a classy young lady. In my relationships, I will keep no record of wrongs. I won’t delight in evil, and no one will cause me to delight in evil. I will NOT let my friends make evil seem attractive to me. When I am with my friends, we will rejoice in the Truth. We will protect each other, we will trust each other, and never be cynical with each other. We will spur each other towards God and help each other in our faith walks. I will never leave a friend out of hatred. All my relationships must be full of Grace and full of Love, or else they will get me nowhere. I must do all I can to demonstrate love to everyone I meet, or else why meet them? A relationship that brings out the bad qualities in me is not worth my time. I want to become the woman that God created me to be.
I love God because God is patient, God is kind. God does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud. God is not rude, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered. He keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil but rejoices with the Truth! God IS protection. God always protects, and he WILL protect. He is a trusting God, and he will help me learn to trust him, because there has never been anyone in the world who is more deserving of my trust. God is my only hope, and without him I have nothing. God was in the beginning. And God is in the end. God goes past the beginning and the end, and he never changes (James 1:17). I can try to do everything a Christian does, I can do a million good deeds, I could hug a puppy, I could try to be the ultimate good person, but without God I will fail, and none of it would be right. God is Love.
I need Love. I need God.
I love him, but he loved me first. I love him because he loved me first. I love him for who he is, and I love him for what he’s done for me. I love him because he is there for me to love. I love him because he is the only one who can help me become the woman I was created to be.
That is what I want. I want God.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Harry Potter?

But i was shocked to find a story about Harry Potter on the front page of the Des Moines Register this morning. Seriously, the front page! That's in addition to having a Harry Potter story in the IowaLife section EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. Never before have i realized just how many people are obsessed with these books.
NO! THEY'RE NOT BOOKS! They are beautiful stories upon which we should build our society and raise our children!!! *gag*
Listen to me. I'm excited to read the book too, but there is so much more to life than Harry Potter!
They say that the world needs magic...
Open your eyes! There is magic all around you!
I'm going to go running now. *peace*
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Friday, July 20, 2007