High Time that I made a blog post in tribute to the world's most interesting looking kitchen utensil.
Step aside, sporks. The potato masher is all over you.
Without knowing what it is, one might have absolutely no idea what it could possibly be used for. But it can really only serve the one purpose, and oh what a noble purpose that is. Mashed Potatos are a tasty treat. Time consuming preparation, low serving yield, impossible mess, carbs and butter...INFINITE GOODNESS.
The patato masher waits in the drawer (a word I never understood and still think should be spelled "droor") patiently for its moment of glory. It does what no mere fork can do, creating the perfect consistency of smooth yet substantial golden-white fluff. It is the hero at the end of a long battle with a patato peeler and a pot of boiling water.
It shines strong in its special, unique moment. Than it is washed reluctantly and put away to wait for weeks and weeks until its next chance of exercise.
God bless you, Patato Masher--a true American!